Web hosting tailored for you and your business.

Two elements are essential for having a website: a domain, i.e., a website address, and a space where you will store all the files that construct your website. A website consists of extensive data and files stored securely and permanently accessible on the Internet.

Web hosting is just that – a professional service that provides space and bandwidth on a server connected to the Internet to store the data and files necessary for the unhindered functioning of your website.

Tailor made web hosting!
SEO tools we use

Why is web hosting so important?

Web hosting is crucial for the proper functioning and availability of websites. It is the technical aspect of the site that represents a base for future implementation. Excellent web hosting suggests your site works flawlessly, always loads quickly, and customer support is available 24/7.

Anyone who wants their website to be present on the Internet in a quality and thoughtful manner must have quality web hosting that guarantees high availability and fast website loading.

Every second that the site is unavailable represents hundreds or thousands of missed visits. In 63 minutes of website unavailability, Amazon lost as much as 99 million dollars. Therefore, web hosting must be fast and reliable to support all the services required for your website to function efficiently.

Even the best-designed and conceived website is only useful when it works, i.e., if the hosting lacks quality and the internet connection often breaks. An unreliable hosting provider or a lousy solution can cause damage to your business which is time and money-consuming. If the site loads slowly or is unavailable, it harms the brand’s reputation.

Also, this damages SEO optimization since search engines can notice slow loading or unavailability of a website as a bad user experience, and such sites rank lower in search results. In addition, a site running on poor hosting exposes itself to security risks, such as hacker attacks.

Why is web hosting so important?
Importance of web hosting!

Also, it should offer enough throughput (the number of site visits allowed within the throughput) and disk space (the amount of space needed to store all the website files). Hosting a website on servers of unverified and suspiciously cheap (or free) hosting providers is a significant risk. Shady hosting providers also lack adequate technical support to help with the slightest problems.

Even the best-designed and conceived website is only useful when it works, i.e., if the hosting lacks quality and the internet connection often breaks. An unreliable hosting provider or a lousy solution can cause damage to your business which is time and money-consuming. If the site loads slowly or is unavailable, it harms the brand’s reputation.

Also, this damages SEO optimization since search engines can notice slow loading or unavailability of a website as a bad user experience, and such sites rank lower in search results. In addition, a site running on poor hosting exposes itself to security risks, such as hacker attacks.

Also, it should offer enough throughput (the number of site visits allowed within the throughput) and disk space (the amount of space needed to store all the website files). Hosting a website on servers of unverified and suspiciously cheap (or free) hosting providers is a significant risk. Shady hosting providers also lack adequate technical support to help with the slightest problems.

Even the best-designed and conceived website is only useful when it works, i.e., if the hosting lacks quality and the internet connection often breaks. An unreliable hosting provider or a lousy solution can cause damage to your business which is time and money-consuming. If the site loads slowly or is unavailable, it harms the brand’s reputation.

Also, this damages SEO optimization since search engines can notice slow loading or unavailability of a website as a bad user experience, and such sites rank lower in search results. In addition, a site running on poor hosting exposes itself to security risks, such as hacker attacks.

Importance of web hosting!

Web hosting solutions

A fast-responding website is worth a thousand words. The most sensitive SEO factor is the time needed to load and respond to user and search engine requests. In fact, Google search engines prioritize speed over quality content. We provide state-of-the-art custom hosting services optimized for speed, reliability, and security.

The first step toward owning a website is to find a reliable and secure place to exist. We incorporate flexibility and scalability into the system to provide a safe spot for your business to grow.

There are various web hosting solutions on the market. They differ in terms of storage system capacity, server speed and reliability, customer support, and, of course, price. The most common solutions are:

Web hosting solutions!

Shared Hosting

It involves hosting multiple websites on the same server. Although this concept has advantages – firstly, an acceptable price and many easily managed services – it still has some disadvantages. One of the most significant disadvantages of shared hosting is the security problem and, therefore, reliability.

In addition, resources (such as internet connection, processor, and ram) are generally limited since multiple sites share them. Shared hosting is acceptable only if the site has a limited number of daily visits, does not process extensive data, and does not have audio players and flash.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting

It implies the division of a physical server into several virtual servers, i.e., A website stored on a server has its own dedicated space but still shares a physical server with other sites. VPS is a middle solution between Shared Hosting and Dedicated Server Hosting (site storage on a separate server).

On the one hand, VPS provides software independence; on the other hand, it does not require an entire server. VPS Hosting is an excellent solution for demanding web applications, forums with high attendance, e-commerce solutions, and platforms for project needs in software development.

Dedicated Server Hosting

The website location is on a separate server – the user rents the entire server with no other users. It is the most flexible type of hosting since the user has complete authority and exclusive access (admin and full root access). Dedicated hosting is the most reliable type, as it guarantees the best response using ample space and traffic. By choosing Dedicated Server Hosting, you get an adaptable hosting solution according to your needs.

Cloud hosting

Storage on virtual servers draws resources from networks of hardware servers. Cloud hosting concept shares resources, software, and information that are always available on demand with 100% stability as it relies on multiple physical servers.

Managed Web Hosting

In this case, the provider takes care of the maintenance and availability of the website. The hosting provider manages 24/7 website resources and infrastructure, controls system administration, software, and hardware, and provides ongoing support and consulting. All the listed hosting solutions – shared, VPS, dedicated, and cloud – can be offered in a managed version.

When choosing a hosting solution, you need to pay attention to several things to ensure you obtain what you need. Some elements to pay attention to are the following:

Uptime – guaranteed time during which your website will be accessible. Most web hosting providers offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee.

Disk space – the leased amount of space used to store all the site files. Depending on the site’s purpose can require substantial storage space.

Bandwidth – the number of visits your site can handle without problems or slowdowns. Unlimited bandwidth is always the safest option.

Tailor-made managed web hosting

To ensure that the web hosting solution is adequate to needs, Tailor-made managed web hosting allows the creation of personalized hosting packages. That is, determining how much space, bandwidth, databases, and e-mail addresses the website requires for proper functioning. We don’t believe in universal solutions – a solution that suits everyone.

Various requirements and goals require different approaches and types of web hosting. For this reason, we offer tailor-made managed web hosting packages that allow website owners to focus on core business. At the same time, we take care of the maintenance and availability of your website.

Our tailor-made managed web hosting packages ensure that your website performs optimally, securely, and at high-speed.

Hosting rocket!

Secure hosting

The quality of hosting!

Cybercriminals are becoming more inventive. They are no longer just targeting private data from large companies – smaller businesses are also facing attacks on their sites. Therefore, a secure environment for your website is an absolute necessity.

One of the priorities in our tailor-made managed web hosting solutions is precisely security. The corresponding certificates confirm the high standard of safety.

Thanks to this, if a website experiences a cyber attack, a customer’s information will not be compromised, and the site will remain accessible. Additionally, we provide a regular entire site backup to recover from unforeseen events.

Those who have experienced attacks and crashes know the importance of preparing, in advance, for any scenario. Tailor-made managed web hosting with a high-security standard guarantees a quality Internet presence.

Secure hosting

Cybercriminals are becoming more inventive. They are no longer just targeting private data from large companies – smaller businesses are also facing attacks on their sites. Therefore, a secure environment for your website is an absolute necessity.

One of the priorities in our tailor-made managed web hosting solutions is precisely security. The corresponding certificates confirm the high standard of safety.

Thanks to this, if a website experiences a cyber attack, a customer’s information will not be compromised, and the site will remain accessible. Additionally, we provide a regular entire site backup to recover from unforeseen events.

Those who have experienced attacks and crashes know the importance of preparing, in advance, for any scenario. Tailor-made managed web hosting with a high-security standard guarantees a quality Internet presence.

The quality of hosting!